Power Player 1.12 features a new albums and playlist detail experience along with an in-app settings screen. The app is available for downloading in the App Store now by using the link at the bottom of the post.

Albums and Playlists detail:
  • A new immersive full-screen experience with larger artwork.
  • Playlists display the updated date.
  • Albums can navigate to artist, display average rating for rated songs, genre and year.
  • Playlists items can be searched.
  • Album songs display artist or composer for songs with differing album artists and compilations.


In-app settings:
  • A custom app icon can be chosen (dark, development and blueprint).
  • Change the app tint color.
  • Added an option to prefer grid layouts when less screen space is available.
  • Various links have been added to get help and support more easily.
  • If you enjoy Power Player and have purchased the app, you can donate some money from within settings.


  • Reorganized items in grid sections as to separate stats that are affected by user interaction.
  • Added Explicit, Skipped date, DRM Protection, Music Video properties.
  • Renamed year to released. Shows release date and defaults to year.


  • Detail pages display the number of items and duration.
  • Songs can be sorted by artist.
  • Cells now display more item attributes when applicable (explicit item, rating, duration, loved, is music video)
  • The explicit tag is displayed on the trailing side in Now Playing and as a property in the Info pane.


Bug fixes and improvements:
  • Improved the navigation and Now Playing gesture finger tracking.
  • Fixed context menu shadows not taking cell backgrounds into account.
  • Fixed colored background cells reverting to the default background color.
  • Fix grid layouts incorrect layout when switching screen size while the view is not showing.
  • Fix info not reverting to original scroll indicator when Adaptive Colors is turned off.
  • Fix now playing not adjusting colors when toggling Adaptive Colors while the view is dismissed.
  • Fixed a crash related to displaying grid layouts on iOS 14..
  • Fixed headers having a background when not displaying as a list on iOS 14.
  • Haptic feedback for section index title change.
