Power Player 1.10 features a rebuilt search with improved search suggestions along with a now playing widget. The app is available for downloading in the App Store now by using the link at the bottom of the post.
New search:
- In addition to accessing recent searches, it is now possible to access your recent hits within the search tab.
- Search results are loaded in the background.
- Larger artwork for albums, artists and playlists in results overview with horizontal scrolling.
- When tapping “See All” in a search section, the result is grouped.
Now playing widget:
- Displays the current now playing item and opens the player.
- Open the info screen from the widget.
- Available in medium and large sizes.
- New option added to hide the lyrics pane.
Bug fixes and improvements:
- Updated list appearances to be more inline with the iOS 15 list style.
- Fixed section headers incorrectly displaying the “See All” button.
- Fixes a bug where images from the Apple Music API would unnecessarily be fetched.
- Possible bug fix for crash occurring when an artist, genre, composer or album is deleted from the music library.
- Reduced memory footprint when the app is in the background.
- Reduced the artist image ratio to 0.7 to the miniplayer.
- Fixed artist / album not opening from the miniplayer when the more tab is selected.
Note: New and updated tabs like Home are now iOS 14+.
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